Emboldned by the success of our first volume of Teaching Stories which is currently in its third edition, we at Life Positive Publications have brought out a second volume: More Teaching Stories
Stories are eternally popular. They remain the best way to convey a teaching. As the mind opens up to let in the story, the teaching slips in too. Working its way insidiously into the contents of our conciousness, it eventually contrives an understanding. The truths that lie at the heart of these stories help us understand ourselves, life and God. They give us tools to negotiate our way through life and to come to terms with its many challenges. Our collection of Teaching stories called from the wisdom traditions of the world include Sufi, Zen, Hindu, Folklore and other sources. Of special interest to the seeker, the trainer and the teacher, this collection will appeal to the child in all of us.
There are great truths and values to be gained from these stories.
Head of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission, In his foreword
Life Positive chooses and interprets stories to demonstrate the oneness of wisdom in all Traditions.
Activist and President, Sarvadeshik Arya Pratinidhi Sabha
(World Council of Arya Samaj)
A story means giving light doses where heavy doses will not work. A story makes a subject easily readable as well as easily understandable.
Founder Of The Centre For Peace And Spirituality
More Teaching Stories is the Stairway to reach Deep into the Mystic Mysteries of our Own Self
Founder, Shree public Charitable Trust
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